Friday, 5 February 2016

#‎MillionRush - Invite to like and share to win Flipkart voucher and Laptop from 9APPS

#‎MillionRush‬ According to the data, we earn 4k new likes per day, so in theory we can reach 1m likes in 15 days. BUT, we, 9Apps, are born to be FAST! We need to get FASTER and FASTER!

How many days can we shorten? It depends on you!!!

The faster we accomplish the goal, the more prize you can have!

heart emoticon How to win:
1. Like and share the post
2. Invite your friends to like our page 9APPS
3. Or any other ways to help us make the days shorter!!

heart emoticon Prize: If we complete in:
😊14 Days: 3 lucky winners of 1999rs🎁
πŸ˜„13 Days: 9 lucky winners of 1999rs🎁
😁12 Days: 1 lucky winner of Lenovo Yoga 300 & 9 lucky winners of 1999rs🎁
😜11 Days: 2 lucky winners of Lenovo Yoga 300 & 9 lucky winners of 1999rs🎁
😝10 Days or even faster: 3 lucky winners of Lenovo Yoga 300 & 9 lucky winners of 1999rs🎁
heart emoticon Duration: From now on until we reach 1m fans

Are you ready for the rush and the prize? The winners are from those who invite the most friends to like our page!
πŸš€Here we goπŸš€

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