Start Date : 16th Feb 2016
End Date : 15th Mar 2016
Rules to play the Coding Contest:
The Challenge
consists of MCQ.
participant can attempt the contest only twice, Only your best score counts!!
There are 10
multiple choice questions, each question consists of 5 marks.
There will be
no negative marking.
Time duration
is 30 minutes.
In case your
session expires before finishing the test, you can re-take the test. Your test
will resume from where you left off, and the total time will reduce by the
duration of your previous attempt.
Winners of
the contest will be chosen solely on the discretion. Please ensure to update
your profile and contact details. (Mandatory to complete
the Spartan registration process to become eligible for rewards
& prizes)
iPhone 6S 16GB
Mi Pad 16GB
Top 20
finishers in the TechGig contest get Rs. 5,000 each on the